Christopher P Parker, PharmD
As Associate Director of UI Ventures, a division of the Office of Innovation, Chris supports research-driven startups at the University of Iowa. He supports faculty stewarding and connecting them across the continuum from disclosure to exit by providing guidance, access to resources and talent, industry expertise specific to the faculty invention, strategy, funding opportunities and direction. Chris is also the Associate Director of Iowa MADE, a small-scale manufacturing and e-commerce initiative for products developed by Faculty and Staff of the University of Iowa.
Prior to joining UI Ventures, Chris was co-founder and Executive Director of Operations for Centralized Healthcare Solutions, a telehealth company within the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy. CHS was a pharmacist-led and student pharmacist driven team providing management of chronic diseases for health systems across the nation.
Chris received his BS from the University of Nebraska and a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree from the University of Iowa.