Our Mission

Nurse Innovators will provide nurses with guidance, tools, motivation, support, and access to resources in order to translate ideas for new devices or practices from ideas to tangible products.

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We've partnered with MakerHealth, a world-renowned prototyping company dedicated to amplifying the creativity of health makers, to enable everyone to be the designers and makers of their own healthcare solutions.

MakerHealth's Create Cloud provides prospective innovators with just-in-time learning modules, a smart prototyping genome backend and data collection to aid early stage ideas-to-life prototyping.

Events + Opportunities

There are no upcoming events at this time. Check back soon!

Revolutionizing Healthcare: Three Case Studies on Nursing Innovation

Get in touch for your next innovation

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Campus Resource

From rapid prototyping with Protostudios to small scale manufacturing with Iowa MADE.

External Resources

Supporting ideas as they mature and develop

Want to Get Involved?